How will You Choose the Best Addiction Recovery Program?

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choosing addiction recovery programAddiction recovery is not a quick and easy process. It needs a lot of hard work not only from the recovering person but also from her/his family. But in the end, the hard work is rewarding and worth. Addiction recovery, however, cannot be done only by the individual on her/his own, but needs a medical help and supervision. Therefore a good rehab center is an essential requirement for the process and finding such a rehab center is a challenging task. Fortunately, there are directories which enlist rehab centers, like which enlists over 1000 rehab centers across California, and especially Detox Centers in Newport Beach. You can easily browse through these and find out the most suitable for you or your dear one. Here are tips to find a perfect rehab center.

Determining whether the Rehab Center is Suitable to You (and Vice Versa)

To determine whether a rehab center would suit you or not, you need to ask certain questions to them. Similarly, the rehab center too would ask you some questions and you may have to undergo certain diagnostic tests to determine how their program can be optimally tailored to your condition, requirements and stage of addiction.

Ensure that Their Program Fulfills Your Requirements

You need not worry of options available for addiction recovery – there are plenty of them. You just have to see to it that the program would fulfill your needs. There are certain principles to remember according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, while starting an addiction recovery program, like:

  • Addiction affects your brain too and not just your behavior
  • Recovering from addiction as soon as possible is essential for achieving greater success
  • There is no recovery program that fits all. Various programs act differently for various people
  • Effective program can be defined as the one that affects your overall life and not just your drug or alcohol abuse
  • You should also evaluate your mental health during the recovery process
  • Enough time should be devoted to the treatment so as to complete the recovery program successfully
  • Treatment plans ideally should be updated constantly as per your changing requirements and conditions

Types of Rehab Centers

You typically may come across two types of rehab centers:

  1. Inpatient Treatment: In inpatient facility, you are housed in the facility and provided 24/7 care from their staff. This eliminates your stress of resisting the temptation and potential relapse.
  2. Outpatient Treatment: This is very similar to the inpatient treatment program, except that you are allowed to return to your home every night after the treatment. The benefit of this is you can do your familial or other duties while taking the treatment. This is good for mild or short-term addictions.


Most addiction treatments need to be started with a detox process. Detox is designed to eliminate all traces of alcohol or drugs from the body. Sometimes, maintenance medications also are administered to calm down the withdrawal symptoms that come with drugs like heroin and some opiate prescription drugs.

Rehabilitation (Rehab)

After detox, the individual passes through the actual rehab process where s/he gets to the underlying reasons for their addiction, so that they can move on effectively with their lives without the need of drugs or alcohol.


Though the individual completes the rehab process, they may not be called to recover totally. In fact, in most cases, recovery goes on for lifetime. This journey may be easy or difficult; but in any case, the support is essential. Many rehab centers, therefore, offer follow-up programs to help patients to return to regular life smoothly.

So, you can see that the addiction recovery is a more complicated process than you might have thought of and so, you need to choose your rehab center carefully. In such a case, portals like Mental Health Series are of a lot of help. You should go through their comprehensive list of rehab centers and choose the best one for you.

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