Ageing of eyelids and its surgical care
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The process of ageing of eyelids: Both upper and lower eyelids have a tendency to sag and lose their elasticity due to ageing and the effect of sunlight. The lack of elasticity and the constant pull of gravity becomes the reason behind the accumulation of excessive skin and fat in the eyelids and make them look ugly. That extra skin and fat causes heavy wrinkles and saggy portion in the lower eyelid when the upper eyelid gets an extra fold of skin hanging over the eyelashes. Sometimes that extra sagginess of eyelid cause obstruction in vision and this can happen more in case of old people.
Eyelid surgery: this cosmetic surgery is conducted by the Blepharoplasty Surgeon to remove the sagginess and the bag shaped skin deposits from the eyelids. Although the surgery is done mainly for cosmetic reasons but it can be helpful in removing the obstruction of vision by correcting the eyelid of old people.
The surgeon makes incision in the inside of the eyelid in order to get access inside so that he could remove or reposition the excessive skin around the area. Repositioning of the tissues also become necessary at times to reinforce some weakened areas of the eyelid in his attempt to reshape the eyelid. While the effects of the upper eyelid surgery is likely o stay for at least five to seven years, the procedure is needs to be repeated for the lower eyelid. It is understood that the eyes will still go through ageing even after the surgery and to keep them in shape forever continuous surgical attention will be needed.
Who can go for eyelid surgery?
Anyone can opt for and eyelid surgery if he is otherwise healthy and fit, but normally people proceed for this after they turn thirty five years. Also if the problem with eyesight is more serious or the problem runs in the family then one can opt for an early surgery too.