Paediatric Nutritional Tips For Children With Feeding Concerns
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Nutrition can be tricky, especially at a young age. That is the most crucial period of our lives, the one when we start developing good or bad habits, and turning adults will not help us getting rid of the latter. That is why parents should pay special attention to the way they feed their kids, avoiding all those common mistakes, as unbalanced portions or wrong dietary models that, unfortunately, are widely tolerated and may really compromise children’s long-term health.
Keep in mind that your son / daughter perfectly knows when he / she is hungry, still you must act as a mentor, providing the necessary guidance to maximise the benefits from food, because setting proper rules is of paramount importance when it comes to healthy growth.
So, keep reading to educate yourself, and then teach them what, when and how to eat.
What To Do, What Not To Do
The first thing is avoiding forced nutrition: do not obligate your boy / girl to eat certain foods just for the sake of it, unless you want him / her to develop an aversion that will be carried over to the next years. A good example are vegetables, which they often dislike. Try to present the veggies in a fun way: cut them in different shapes, or create a colourful dish. And remember, dessert is not a reward for those who finish their portion.
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Second, do not serve abundant meals, do not compel your son / daughter to clean the plate: over time, that can translate into a need for more and more eatables. Servings must be right and, if you want the kids to finish theirs, avoid turning the television on at mealtime. Cartoons, movies and even news may constitute a distraction. Children will just watch whatever is being broadcasted, the dish will get cold, and they will refuse to eat it because, of course, it is cold.
Third, regularity and routine are key: choose a time for lunch (12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, etcetera) and dinner, and stick to it. Be a model, children look up to parents: you cannot gorge yourself with junk food and expect the kids to not follow your lead. Apply the above rules to yourself first: they will happily follow.
And if at any time you feel like development is compromising, consult a doctor as soon as possible. He / she will track the kid’s growth, and give you precious advice and a balanced diet to abide by, or perhaps prescribe a child development supplement.
In case of allergy to certain foods, a dietitian can help you replace the ingredients your child cannot consume with others that have similar nutritional values. If a kid is intolerant to dairy products, for instance, a nutritionist will most likely point you to products made of soy formula for lactose intolerance.
Start feeding your children healthy food today to protect their tomorrow. Do not move away from the above tips.