Invisalign Express – Faster Alternative for Minor Corrections

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Invisalign the clear braces have created a great reputation in the market of orthodontics about being the most convenient braces so far. They are easy to wear, easy to remove, undetectable by others, therefore socially compliant and fast acting. Therefore regarding Invisalign NYC or any other city in US as well as other parts of the world have good feedback from whoever are using them.

However it has been observed by orthodontists that many patients have just minor dental problems. There is no requirement of investing the money as well as time taken by the regular Invisalign treatment for these patients. If the dental distortion is minor, the patients can prefer not to have the regular Invisalign treatment and for such patients the makers of Invisalign have come up with Invisalign Express.

Invisalign Express for Minor Corrections

Invisalign Express is a perfect remedy for those patients who don’t require wearing the regular Invisalign aligners spending a significant amount of money and time on them. Invisalign treatment is definitely faster than the treatment with traditional braces, i.e. patients undergo a considerable improvement within 1 to 1 ½ years. Invisalign Express is still faster. It is used for minor problems like spacing or crowding of teeth and it can correct the problem within less than 6 months.

You should remember that Invisalign Express is no less than the regular Invisalign treatment regarding the expert consultation, computerized design of your desired smile and the high-standard customized pairs of aligners. So you can rest assured that Invisalign Express too will have the same high quality material, convenience of dispensability and the same transparent pleasing appearance.

Therefore Invisalign Express, though contains all the benefits and other factors similar to regular Invisalign, is designed for a different set of patients. The treatment lasts for less than six months and includes ten aligners at the most.

Can I Use Invisalign Express?

Invisalign Express is just a version of the regular Invisalign designed for patients requiring minor rectifications. It is made up with same high end technology and offers same benefits. Therefore it is not a cheaper alternative. So there can’t be a situation where you have to choose between these two treatments. It depends upon the degree or nature of your dental problem that which one of them will be right for you. Hence it is best to leave it to your dentist to decide that. After examining your problem your doctor can better tell which Invisalign aligners will be correct for you.

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