Simple Yet Effective Tips for a Perfect Dental Health

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dental healthOur teeth are small but have big effects on our life. Just like our eyes, they make a great part of our personality and if they are not in a good condition, they can deter our social and professional progress. Moreover, decayed teeth can badly affect our overall health too. Leading dentists at Bal Harbour, FL Dentistry have shared here the simplest yet most important tips that you can carry out easily through your routine and maintain an awesome oral health.

Basic Things to Remember

  • Don’t forget to brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste just before going to bed every night and one more time during the day.
  • Be sure that your toothpaste has fluoride; fluoride strengthens enamel on teeth, thus reducing the chances of tooth decay.
  • Floss at least once a day.
  • If you want to use a mouthwash, don’t use it immediately after brushing, as it will wash off the fluoride you just got from your toothpaste.
  • Changing your toothbrush every 2-3 months or even earlier is advisable as it may get worn and may not clean your teeth properly.
  • If you are a smoker, quit the habit, to stay away from tooth loss, gum disease, tooth staining and even worse, mouth cancer.

Dental Checkup Routine

  • Don’t visit your dentist only upon having a toothache. Visit her/him regularly for checkups to ensure that your teeth are in a good condition. Sometimes there may be a problem in your teeth that you may not know and it may worsen. By visiting your dentist regularly, you can find out these problems and get them treated on time.
  • If you cannot leave your house for any reason, you can find dentists who offer home visits.
  • If you are upset about visiting your dentist, make her/him aware of it, so that s/he can change your treatment accordingly.
  • Try to remove your dental anxiety by listening to music or focusing on something else that interests you more and taking someone with you while visiting the dentist’s office.


  • You can make healthy changes in your diet for a better oral health. After eating or drinking, chew sugar-free gum which will protect your teeth and gums from the harmful ingredients in the food, like sugar.
  • Don’t brush immediately after eating or drinking; wait for an hour. After eating or drinking, your enamel is softened and if you brush immediately you will brush away its small particles.
  • Take a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, such as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Have a cheese cube at the end of a meal will not only be tasty, but healthy for teeth too, because it will reduce the damaging effects of acids from the foods.
  • Instead of snacking between the meals, try to include your sugary food intake in meals so that your teeth will be less exposed to attack.

Follow these rules to enjoy a good oral health and a confident smile!

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