Your First Root Canal: What to Expect
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Does anyone like coming to the dentist’s? Even if you don’t hate it, I’m quite sure you’re not really looking forward to it! One of the terms that conjure up pain and fear is certainly the root canal. Nevertheless, in most cases all that is a little bit overblown. Although getting a root canal isn’t relaxing like going to the spa, but the pain is minimized, even for the most notorious procedures such as this one.
What is exactly a Root Canal?
If a tooth becomes particularly infected or decayed, a pulp (the soft tissue inside the tooth) becomes affected, too. Left untreated, the tooth could get even worse until it either needs to be removed or falls out itself. In order to restore and save the tooth, dentists use precise tools to remove the tooth’s nerve and affected pulp while cleaning and, afterwards, sealing the root canal.
The infected soft tissue is removed to stop bacteria from continuous growth and multiplication within the tooth’s pulp chamber. If it went untreated, the infection would become an abscessed tooth, accompanied with pain and discomfort. What’s more, this condition can lead to swelling and drainage problems.
Do you need a root canal?
In case any of following symptoms, you might be a candidate for the root canal procedure:
- painful chewing
- swollen gums around the tooth
- a recurring periodontal abscess on gums
- the color of the tooth is wrong
- prolonged sensitivity and pain to heat and cold
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In case these symptoms sound familiar to you, you must be wondering now how painful this procedure is. Luckily, the dental science has come a long way and nowadays this and similar notorious procedures have become less painful. Due to the modern equipment and anesthesia, having the root canal is as painful as having a filling placed.
What to Expect During the Root Canal Procedure?
The process begins by drilling an access cavity. After the tooth is cleaned with an endodontic fill and filled with a dental filling, your dentist will top it with a dental crown.
What Happens After the Procedure?
For a few days, you may feel increased sensitivity, which is due to the natural oral inflammation. This condition can be addressed with ibuprofen or naproxen. Most people feel well enough to continue with their regular activities the day after the procedure.
Do you have questions about your dental health in general or a root canal? Don’t wait until the condition gets worse. The sooner your root canal is treated, the easier and less painful it will be for you to handle it.