Pediatric Home Ventilator – Making You Stress-free and Confident while Taking Care of Your Child

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home ventilatorCLD is a common term that is used to denote long-term respiratory troubles in premature newborns. It can also be called Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD). Infants who are on mechanical ventilators and additional oxygen are at risk of developing CLD. RSVP Home Care provides respiratory therapy and also medical equipment for CLD patients. They offer ventilators for patients with Chronic Lung Disease (CLD) thus can offer you everything you want to take care of your child with CLD. Visit their website for more information.

The type of ventilator to be used will be decided by your doctor. It may be either full support or partial. As it is with your child suffering from a dreadful disease, you are stressed. Above that, if you are confronted with the complexities of using the pediatric ventilator, it’s natural for you to get upset. But RSVP Home Care are always there to help you.

RSVP Home Ventilator

A home ventilator is a device that offers constant breathing support to your child. It provides air the lungs and removes carbon dioxide from there. Some children need this support 24/7, while some others will need it only occasionally or while sleeping.

Pediatric ventilators are usually small and lightweight, and therefore easily portable. They typically run on electricity, but have internal batteries too to facilitate going out with them.

Support by RSVP Home Care

RSVP Home Care is specialized in caring for children and infants suffering from respiratory problems due to various medical conditions. They are committed to bringing a positive change in the lives of children of all ages who depend on ventilation devices for breathing. They believe that with appropriate home ventilation support, these children and their families can improve their quality of life. Their respiratory therapist can help you in learning to use pediatric ventilator for your child so that you can use it comfortably and effectively in home.

Precautions for Using Home Ventilator

  • Ensure that the settings on the home ventilator match the instructions of your doctor
  • Ensure that there are no bends in the tubes and that all tubes and other connections are correct
  • Ensure that the humidifier is at a lower level than that of the child’s head. Keep humidifier filled with sterile water.
  • If there is too much dripping of water from the circuit tubing, change the tubing.
  • If you are taking your child and her/his ventilator outside home, check the battery life of the ventilator. Fully charge the battery and check how long it can last.

Support of RSVP Home Care

The staff of RSVP Home Care is on call 24/7 and will promptly answer all your questions. This is extremely relieving for you because of the elimination of uncertainty. It also increases your confidence during the tough fight against your child’s respiratory problem.

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