6 Easy Ways to Reverse Type II Diabetes
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You were afraid that some or the other time you would be diagnosed with type II diabetes and at last the time came! You were quite certain because you’ve a family history of the disease and you also have a sweet tooth. But are you depressed now? You don’t need to. It’s because you can still stay healthy and even reverse diabetes.
You don’t believe me? But it’s true – Yes you really can reverse your diabetes!
So far, you’ve read, heard and even experienced with your parents and other relatives that diabetes is a chronic and progressive disease. Once it takes place, you can’t get rid of it. So, it’s natural that you won’t believe that you really can reverse diabetes. But you can! How? Here it is.
1. Eat Healthy Food
The American Diabetes Association suggests that by choosing foods that are low in refined carbohydrates (such as flour and sugar), increasing intake of vegetables, whole, fresh fruit, whole grains, lean meats (such as fish and chicken), low-fat dairy products and beans, you can reduce your sugar intake. Next you have to focus on portion control and thereby control weight.
2. Eat Less Many Times Rather than Eating Huge Once or Twice
If you are tempted to eat a huge amount at once, remember to eat a small portion several times. This is the fastest healthy way to lose weight and also will stop sugar level increasing in your blood.
3. Exercise Regularly
Keeping yourself active is a very good way to burn sugar in your blood. Aerobic exercises, such as jogging and cycling are excellent for this purpose. However, if you have some other issues, especially heart disease, you should not engage into very vigorous activities. In such cases, yoga is an excellent alternative. Discuss with your doctor and find out which activities are good for you.
4. Keep an Eye on Blood Glucose
Keep testing your blood glucose at regular intervals to check whether you are on the right track or not. If there is a problem, you can catch it on time without letting it become out of control.
5. Take Medications as Prescribed
It may sound a no-brainer, but there are some diabetic patients who stop taking medications. This can be dangerous. Also it should be remembered that you should take only that medicine which is prescribed to you and on the specified time.
6. Stay Informed
New inventions and researches keep happening and you should be aware of them. While not all the scientific reports are easy to understand, you can try to understand them and get your queries solved from your healthcare provider.
So, are you feeling cheered up now? Eat healthy, be active and keep diabetes away – it’s that easy!