Earthing and Grounding – Latest Effective Ways to Get Healthy

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Earthing and Grounding BedsheetsEarthing and grounding are new concepts of health and wellness and several people are getting benefited from them, mainly in case of pain, inflammation, stress, weakness, sleeplessness and blood circulation. What are these concepts? Let’s see.

What are Earthing and Grounding?

In simple words, earthing and grounding is to get connected to the earth. If you think on it carefully, you’ll notice that we usually don’t touch the ground. We hardly walk barefoot and the shoes we wear are normally of rubber or plastic as we are more and more going far from wearing natural leather shoes that used to connect us to the earth’s energy.

The underlying concept is that our earth is a huge battery containing natural electric charge. And our bodies too are charged with electricity as we have electric ions in our body. Therefore we can sync with the earth and can improve our health.

You have to do nothing special, but simply walk barefoot on grass, soil, sand or concrete for half an hour every day and establish a connection with the earth. This will bring a considerable reduction in your pain, stress and inflammation. For those who cannot do this due to lack of time or other problems, products like earthing and grounding bedsheets can be a tremendous help. You’ll notice an improvement in sleep, stress and ability to rest with them.


Neutralization of Free Radicals

A number of free radicals are regularly generated in our body due to many factors such as stress, pollution, infection, inflammation, cell damage and so on. Plus, the increasing technological evolution has created a lot of electromagnetic fields which interferes with the electrical equilibrium of our cells. In such a condition, grounding is an easy and affordable method through which we can fight this oxidative stress. When we do grounding, our body absorbs negatively charged electrons from the earth to quench free radicals. Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman said that grounding equalizes the electronic potential between the earth and our body whereby our body becomes an extension of the magnetic field of the earth. This potential neutralizes, diminishes and pushes away free radicals from the body.

sleeping on ground

Improvement in Pain, Inflammation and Stress

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Grounding has found to normalize a stress hormone, cortisol, to decrease the stress response.

Our nervous system is electric and influences pain, sleep and stress. Grounding creates an influx of electrons from the earth that has been found to calm down the nervous system.

Stress reduction and sleep are essential for managing pain and reducing the risks of several chronic health conditions. It has been revealed in a blind pilot study conducted on 60 patients of chronic joint and muscle pain and sleep disturbance that grounding every night for 1 month brought about a 74 to 100 percent enhancement in quality of sleep, sensation of rest after waking, reduction in chronic joint and back pain, and muscle stiffness, and overall well-being. By achieving a normal cortisol level at night, grounding enhances sleep, stress and pain.

leather shoes

Improvement in Immunity and Inflammation

Latest studies have revealed that grounding has a positive effect on immune system and inflammatory response which can have extensive health benefits. As mentioned above, grounding enhances cortisol levels. As high cortisol linked to chronic stress, results in systemic inflammation in the body, grounding can improve inflammation because it normalizes cortisol.

As a response of our immune system to injury, stress, trauma or infection, positively charged free radicals are produced which are neutralized by the negative electrons absorbed in our body from grounding. Absence of free radicals calms down our immune response and speeds up healing.

All in all, if you are disconnected from the earth and feeling week, fatigued and experiencing some or the other health issue, consider getting grounded by walking barefoot on ground or using earthing and grounding bedsheets and you will be surprised to see the difference. Get grounded, get healthy!

Earthing and Grounding Bedsheets

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