Energy Healing – How To Use It!
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Sometimes you feel like continue talking to a person from whom you don’t want anything, in terms of money, love or sex. You just like to talk to or to be with him or her! And sometimes, you don’t like to be with someone, how ever harmless he or she might seem! Why? This is all because of positive and negative energy emitted by a person. We all emit either of these two types of energy, many times unknowingly. If the energy emitted by us is positive, everybody is attracted towards us and everybody is repelled from us, if we emit negative energy! But this is not the only disadvantage of negative energy! Negative energy does far more harmful things to us. It causes various physical and mental diseases too! And this is where energy healing practices come into picture.
You may or may not believe God. But you may have experienced an extreme peace of mind in a place of worship or a monastery. This is because such places are sources of positive energy. If we recognize this energy and make its proper use, we can heal and eradicate many physical and mental diseases and lead a happy life.
Our ancestors were nearer to Nature than we are. Instead of curing the diseases by chemical compounds, they believed in curing them by surrendering to Mother Nature and from such a high thinking, various energy healing practices, like naturopathy, yoga, meditation, crystal therapy, aromatherapy, music therapy and crystal therapy emerged!
According to ancient Hindu belief, a human has seven Chakras placed on the backbone and all of them have to perform different functions of body and life. Today scientists have started believing this theory and are trying to find out various curative methods based on Chakra balancing. Chakra balancing is nothing but to balance the energy emitted by our chakras. When this balance is proper, we feel good and healthy; and it will seem a little bold to say that our financial or love life too depends a lot on this balance of energy, but it is true, as experienced by a number of people.
So the big question is how to bring about this balance? As said earlier, we have to turn to Mother Nature to achieve this! There are many substances found in Nature, which can cure our disorders, like herbs, essences, precious stones, music, fragrances, and yes, healing touch too! You can learn or undergo many energy-healing practices, like yoga, acupressure, reiki, massage therapy, aromatherapy and music therapy! All these make you experience utmost serenity and thereby relax your muscles, eliminate stress from your body, calms down your brain and mind and because of the cumulative effect of all these consequences, heal half your problem in the first stroke itself. You start feeling good, when your mind is calm, your body is relaxed and you can feel every good thing happening around you and sense it. So why won’t you feel better? It is but natural! And this is exactly what positive energy is! And when this positive energy starts growing in you, diseases and problems cannot live with you! This is the magic of energy healing practices!