Intestinal Colon Cleanse – Variety of Products and Methods
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Colon i.e. our large intestine is divided into three parts, ascending colon, transverse colon and descending colon. Of these, the first two parts, i.e. ascending and transverse colon move against gravity and horizontally respectively. Naturally their movement is slow which is needed for careful segregation of remaining important nutrients from the digested food which comes there from the small intestine.
Some doctors say that colon has a natural ability to clean itself, while some recommend intestinal colon cleanse by external methods.
External colon cleansing includes some products which are needed to take orally and some procedures like hydrotherapy and enema.
The products used for intestinal colon cleanse include many types like oxygen-based, fiber-based or herbal. Oxygen-based products contain specialized ozonated magnesium oxide. This brings about reduction of the solid toxic layer formed inside colon to turn it to liquid or gas. These products usually come in form of capsules which upon administration release oxygen which does colon cleansing as well as cleans the entire digestive tract.
Fibers are known to bring about cleansing of digestive tract as well as blood vessels by dragging away the unwanted matters like fats, mucus, etc. This very property of fibers is used in the fiber-based colon cleansers. But instead of this, you can also include a lot of fibers in your diet in form of veggies, fruits and whole grains.
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Regarding herbal colon cleansers, caution should be observed because among many of the herbal cleansers there are some herbs which can cause damage to the intestine. Better you should observe the list of herbal ingredients in the product and either study it yourself or even better, discuss it with your doctor. If he or she gives a green signal, only then you should use the herbal product for cleansing colon.
Procedures for colon cleansing include hydrotherapy and enema. Hydrotherapy should be done only by a qualified and certified doctor. The equipment used for the procedure includes two pipes of which one pours water into the colon through rectum and the other takes it out.
Enema is a small version of this which includes only one tube and can be done at the comfort of your home even by yourself.
However before experimenting with any of the colon cleansing products or procedures, advice of your doctor should be taken.