Natural Anti Snore Devices

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Do you sleep deep disturbing others? If you do, you either kick in your dreams or you snore! While you can undergo some psychotherapy for your ‘kicking’ dreams, the other problem can be cured well, just to the relief of your partner, in form of anti snore devices!

Snoring is a problem of breathing and is caused by obstruction in the airways. When there is lack of air in the air passage, the respiratory structures vibrate and a sound is created in form of snoring. If the sound is mild, your partner can bear it, but if it is loud enough to madden him or her, you may get a divorce! So, better turn to some anti-snore device ASAP!

Natural anti snore devices or treatments include herbal pills, devices of acupressure or specialized acupuncture. You can also try changing your bed or sleeping position. This is useful if your snoring problem has not achieved severity. Many times if you sleep in a wrong position, you snore. E.g. if you use too many pillows, they can stretch and constrict your air passage. Practise sleeping with a single pillow. Sometimes lying on back too causes snoring. Try other positions and tell your partner to observe if there is any improvement.

Natural anti-snoring sprays are also available over-the-counter.

Some exercises are also helpful in increasing the muscle tone of the upper airway to control snoring.

You may even be advised to play didgeridoo, by your next-door amateur counselors! But you must understand that snoring is a medical condition and needs a professional medical checkup and advice before adapting any procedure. You can try simple and harmless technique like changing your sleeping position, but if that is not helping, you must seek medical advice, about a properly suitable anti snore device, and go according to that!

Anti snore devices are of various types which you should get acquainted with in order to choose one for yourself. Of course, your doctor is the best person to advise you. All these devices are based on clearing the obstruction in breathing passage. Snorers are advised to lose weight – because excess fat may press the throat, stop smoking – as smoking causes weakening and clogging of throat, and sleep on side – as sleeping on back may make the tongue block the throat.

Lots of other anti snore devices are available, like nasal strips, clips and sprays, lubricant sprays, anti-snoring clothes and pillows, jaw-supporter, specially created dental appliances called mandibular advancement splints, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), and surgeries like pillar procedure.

Snoring may lead to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition causing pause in breathing while you are asleep, and may cause daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Therefore, don’t just make it a laughing issue – get it treated!

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