Personal Growth

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Realizing that every person is a different individual and thus there is no single formula to define the path of personal success is maybe most important part of the quest for personal growth. Everybody has their own priorities, goals and desires and that undoubtedly means that different attitudes, activities and accomplishments will make people feeling good about themselves.

Physical diseases can destroy psychological balance, while many psychological problems can cause physical diseases. So, finding and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit, thus finding the path to succeeding personal growth is of extreme importance for general health of an individual. Several clinics has this holistic approach to over-all health, and Ayurveda Clinics are amongst them. 

And what are the keys to the success in finding your own way in achieving the state of inner harmony? It is important to understand what is important to a person, to recognize their own weaknesses and not to hide behind them, to strive for balance and at the end, to open the door (the magical door that shows the way to personal growth and success). Our body, spirit and mind are all interconnected. The concept of personal growth covers even more than the field of self-help and self-development. Developing others through the roles of a teacher, mentor or by competition is also the part of personal development and growth. In other words, personal growth means that an individual is in a process of actively looking at his/her life, what is missing, what can and what cannot be improved, how does he/she feel about certain situation, people etc. An individual in the process of personal growth works on inner improvement through education, specific challenges and with eyes and soul wide open. The result is changed identity but to one that more closely aligns with person’s natural core self, what a person really is and what does he/she want in life. Once again, there is no quickie scheme and universal formula for succeeding this. Everybody is different and thus has to find their own unique way to achieve inner balance and harmony.

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