Quantum Healing Techniques – What It Is And How To Use It!

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I am really fond of anything which is related to health and well-being and keep on reading a lot about it. And I was under a wrong impression that I know everything about this subject. I realized that when I came to know about quantum healing! When I came to know, I went on reading about it and it went on making me more and more amazed!

It is something related to healing with the help of thoughts! Yes, just thoughts! Difficult to believe, isn’t it? But I actually experienced it and started believing it.

To undergo quantum healing, you need to get a quiet place to calm yourself down. May it be your own home or even a jungle! Imagine that you are going to just THINK! As such, you and I think a lot of things! But while learning quantum healing, you will be learning to control your thoughts in such a way that they will bring healing properties to you!

I experienced a soothing feeling through three thoughts! First of them is to connect to Earth! Yes, we have to go to a place where there is a quiet ambience, take off your shoes, stand barefoot on the soil, with your eyes closed and Think! You have to think that your roots are going down, down in the Earth, right up to Her core! If you can achieve this, I cannot describe what peace you will experience; you will have to go through it yourself!

The next thought was about unblocking my Chakras! Sit quietly in a dark room; you can do this in the comfort of your own room. Concentrate on the chakra, where you have got the problem. Well, I have a problem of lack of concentration, so I concentrated on my third eye Chakra. When we sit with eyes closed and rolled back to our foreheads, we should be able to see a glowing circle, if this chakra is unblocked. And I found that there was no such glowing circle in my forehead between my brows! My third eye chakra was indeed blocked. I seriously started doing the exercises regularly and can you believe? There is tremendous improvement! I feel as if I have found my self, whom I had lost long back! And my problem of concentration has left me altogether; now I can do things not only better, but also more happily!

And the third thought is to communicate with our universal versions! Didn’t understand what I am saying? Well, I will explain. You must be thinking every now and then, that how nice it would have been, if I would have been rich like ‘xxx’; or you might have been thinking, I would have done this thing, if I would have been intelligent like ‘xxx’! Am I right? All of us do that; nothing wrong in it. Problem is we just think it for some seconds and leave it! We don’t give time to the thought. In the process of quantum healing, we do just the same – to give more time to the thought. In this, we have to communicate with our several versions, according to our wish. E.g. I would talk to a rich me, an intelligent me, a successful me, and so on! And the benefit is beyond imagination!

Well, I must admit that I have not mastered yet, this third technique, while in the other two, I have gained comparatively greater success. And I am sure, soon I will become successful with the third thought too. And I want to learn more and more of quantum healing techniques. And I suggest you too, to learn them. It is absolutely safe for the body as well as for mind. You have nothing to lose; rather you will be benefited greatly!

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