Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine – A Wonderful Combination for Your Health
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Nature has gifted so many substances to mankind with which we can remain healthy and beautiful. There are several items that are used for edible purposes but actually serve another purpose too i.e. as a medication.
Two wonderful examples of this are turmeric and black pepper i.e. turmeric curcumin with bioperine! Both these spices are native to India and have been used in this country since ancient times individually or combined with each other for their health benefits.
When used individually, turmeric acts excellently as antibacterial, pain reliever, for glowing skin and healthy hair, whereas black pepper or peppercorn is loaded with nutrients like calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron.
When used combined with each other, both these spices do wonders to human health. You can remain less dependent on chemical medicines when you start using these natural wonders.
What is Bioperine?
Bioperine is not known to many people. It is extracted from piperine, the black pepper fruit, that remarkably speeds up the bioavailability of a range of nutrients by increasing their absorption. The combination of turmeric and piperine are especially better than other spice combinations because when these two come together, offer the highest number of healing and disease preventing properties. Because turmeric curcumin has low levels of bioavailability, when it is ingested alone, most of it is metabolized before it can even get absorbed. Piperine makes turmeric more bioavailable so that you can use turmeric curcumin for pain reliever and other medicinal properties more effectively.
Why Bioperine is so Wonderful?
Bioperine extracted from black pepper is renowned for triggering transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPV1) in the body which reduces the sense and impact of any type of pain, not only when taken inside the body but also when applied on the skin. It has been proven so many times how bioperine effectively reduces and even eliminates chronic pain, particularly neuropathic pain which is supposed to be incurable. Therefore these two can be effectively used for treating rheumatoid arthritis and various types of ulcers, inflammation and swellings around the joints.
Some research has also shown that these two Indian spices when combined together can fight cancer stem cells, particularly breast cancer. They can even protect brain from cognitive decline and help in improving memory in Alzheimer’s disease patients.
The combination of turmeric and black pepper is getting increasingly popular around the world! So, when are you going to start using it for yours and your family’s wellbeing?