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Yoga is a mental, spiritual and physical discipline that has roots in ancient India. The goal of practicing yoga is the achievement of a state of perfect spiritual insight, balance and tranquility, the aims are varied and range form improving overall physical and psychical well being to achieving moksha (liberation from worldly suffering and the cycle of death and birth). The term “yoga” in Sanskrit means to join, to unite or to attach. Yogi or yogini is a term for a person who practice and follows yoga philosophy highly committed.

In the mid 19th century, western intellectuals became interested in various topics of Hindu philosophy, so yoga was amongst those topics. Nowadays Ayurvedic school | Ayurveda Schools gives their students opportunity to learn and practice yoga (Ayuverda is the part of the oldest comprehensive healthcare system in the world and according to it harmony of Body, Spirit and Mind is the key to true health).

There has been several studies investigating yoga as complementary treatment for patients suffering from cancer. It is used to decrease pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Practicing yoga helps improving cognitive functions and reducing stress and that is why it is used as a complementary treatment for schizophrenia. Yoga has also benefits for people suffering from heart disease, because it has effects in lowering cardiovascular risk factors and reducing high blood pressure. Long-term yogis claim that it is yoga that helped them in muscular and skeletal improvements, to be mentally balanced and to reduce symptoms of asthma.

Perhaps yoga would not cure or offer 100% relief, but it is helpful discipline especially when combined with standard treatment. People that are physically in a good shape can also practice yoga as an addition to their regular fitness exercises  in order to maintain their health. Learning and refining new poses improves balance, range of motion, flexibility and strength.

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