8 Effective Tips to Keep Yourself Mentally Healthy
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Being healthy doesn’t involve only physical health, but mental health too. We usually are careful about our physical health, but don’t care much about how we ‘feel’. Just take some time to check your mind – are you feeling nervous, worried, scared, anxious or gloomy? Physical and mental health go hand in hand. If one is not good, the other cannot be good for long. Therefore, in order to make yourself physically healthy, you should improve your mental health too. How to do that? Here are a few tips.
Learn to Manage Stress at Work
Work is an important part of your life. Not only it is your source of income that helps you and your family survive, but also, it’s a great entity that keeps you mentally busy and thus healthy. However, sometimes, work creates stress that can make one sick. Work-related stress is a great problem in industries and it can become worse to the level of lowering productivity drastically. Not only for maintaining and improving your productivity, and thus, making a shining career, but also, more importantly, for eliminating the risk of losing your mental balance, you should learn to manage the stress at work. This Cornell University EdTech report gives excellent suggestions for gaining more energy and sharper focus at a desk, thereby reducing stress. Read it to understand the importance of regular exercise, healthy eating, proper rest, and maintaining clutter-free work environment so as to remain stress-free at work.

Share Your Feelings
If you’re feeling sad, don’t shy away from sharing it with your close friends. Discussing about what you feel is not a sign of weakness, but it can help you stay in good mental health and deal efficiently with times when you feel disturbed.
By talking, you can get more clear about your problem, and this can lead to finding a solution. It’s not necessary to describe it briefly. If you have to use several words, that’s not a problem. It’s also not necessary to make your loved ones sit just to listen to you. You can start the conversation more naturally, for example, while doing something together.

Make Yourself Comfortable
Think on how comfortable you feel all through the day. Start with the basics. Are your clothes comfortable? Is the room or office where you spend most of your time clean and clutter-free? Is your desk clutter-free? Have you got the right sitting biomechanics? & finally, is your bed comfortable? All these factors seem to relate with your body. But as mentioned earlier, bodily health is connected to mental health and vice versa. If your body is not comfortable enough throughout the day, your mind has to be upset. For example, if you wear too tight clothes, they’ll suffocate you and make you nervous. If your chair is not ergonomically designed, your back and waist will ache and shift your focus from work to the pain, reducing your productivity. So, make sure, everything you use during your work and other activities is comfortable for you.

Keep Moving
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If you’ve to live a sedentary life, it’s natural that your body cannot enjoy proper blood circulation. In turn, it can make you feel depressed and frustrated. The Cornell University EdTech report recommends to take movement breaks in order to improve your blood flow and replenish you with energy. This is sure to cheer you up, improving your mental health. Even if it’s important for you to work continuously, you shouldn’t forget to take a few moments to get up from your chair and take a short walk around your desk, that’s it! This will help you keep mentally fit.

Engage Yourself in a Hobby
Your work may not be of your choice. But there should be something in which you get fully involved and forget the world. It’s your hobby! If you’ve such a hobby and if you’ve forgotten it, get engaged in it again, for the sake of your mental health. It can be reading, gardening, embroidery, singing or playing an instrument. Even if you’re passionate about e-sports, start playing them, as they’ve been proven to have a lot of mental health benefits. Surprising enough is the fact that fitness improves esports productivity, brought by exercise and proper nutrition. This again proves that physical and mental health go hand in hand!

Be Kind to Yourself
It’s a general tendency to blame oneself when something goes wrong. This is actually very wrong and can slowly lead to a depressed mind. The habit of blaming yourself develops without your knowledge; you start the process unknowingly and hence it’s even more important to keep it away. If you want to be mentally healthy, stop blaming yourself. Be kind to yourself. Imagine yourself as your child. Just as when your child commits a mistake and you lovingly forgive them, you can forgive yourself. It’s necessary to learn from mistakes, but it can be done without being harsh on yourself.

The importance of meditation has been proven since long in various regions and ethnicities in the world. It’s observed that when mind is disturbed, nothing is right in one’s life and it becomes very necessary to quiet one’s mind. Meditation is the only tried and tested way to calm down. Meditation basically aims at stopping all your thoughts. There are various methods of meditation. you can try all of them and finally choose one that you find easy and effective for you. Once your mind calms down, you’ll find that you’ve started taking your worries lightly. This will definitely make you mentally more organized and healthier.

Don’t Underestimate Water
You may be surprised to know that water has a close relation not only to our bodily health but to mental health too. Getting no water for a long time can make you mentally disturbed and imbalanced along with being physically exhausted. The Cornell University EdTech report also emphasizes on staying hydrated for being focused and energetic at the desk. Even health freaks forget to drink enough water and eventually have to suffer from mental disturbance. It’s important to make a habit of drinking sufficient water in order to remain mentally balanced.

Your mind is as important as your body and it’s your duty to keep it healthy. Don’t fail to work on the above tips and experience the much-desired happiness, contentment and true joy of life!