4 Excellent Nutrition Options to Fight Coronavirus
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Healthy lifestyle has been a topic of concern for all health enthusiasts. However, with the emergence of coronavirus, even people who were not previously interested in health have become concerned and have started learning how to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
Coronavirus has scared everyone and as experts are sharing their views and opinions through various mediums such as TV, newspapers, health magazines and social mediums, people are getting more and more aware of the fact that they should gain and maintain good health in order to protect themselves from the deadly virus.
Here are a few tips following which you can keep yourself healthy and effectively fight corona and other diseases.
1. Antioxidants and Polyphenols
Antioxidants and polyphenols are two excellent factors that not only reduce inflammation in the body, but support several of the body’s ‘health systems’ as well. Moreover, some have even been found to improve gut health through their own prebiotic action.
Although you’re house-bound, it’s possible to buy the best antioxidant fruits and vegetables. Some other foods that can offer you these nutrients include nuts and seeds rich in vitamin E and selenium like almonds, sunflower seeds, brazil nuts and other foods packed with healthy fat such extra virgin olive oil and avocado.
Healthcare experts recommend people to eat deep colored fresh fruits and vegetables. Although currently there are no frozen fruits or vegetables left in grocery stores, that doesn’t mean that you cannot buy fresh vegetables or berries, refrigerate them and add them to smoothies or other dishes when you’re ready to use them.

2. Prebiotics
There are a lot of studies that prove the connection between our gut and brain and its importance in our mental health. Poor gut health can cause the release of inflammatory molecules in the body, and anxiety and depression are known to be arising not only from a chemical imbalance but also from inflammation within the body.
Based on the fact that the predominant site of our immune system is our gut, it can be easily understood that the key fueling source for the beneficial intestinal bacteria, also called prebiotics, would play an extremely important role in maintaining good mental health along with strengthening our immune system.
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Scientists have pointed out that particular types of bacteria that are usually targeted by prebiotics are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Moreover, the prebiotics that are fermented by bacteria in the colon result in the formation of beneficial short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that show direct as well as indirect health benefits.
Although several of the richest sources of prebiotics are usually found in less commonly eaten foods like dandelion greens and chicory roots, there are many foods that can be easily incorporated in the diet during situations like the current pandemic. These include the best antioxidant fruits, roasted and then cooled potatoes, onion and garlic, legume based pastas, raw oats in energy balls, green banana flour or even a prebiotic supplement that can be added to smoothies.

3. Omega 3
Omega 3 is well-known to play a beneficial role in lessening inflammation in the body. There are 3 different types of omega 3s, viz. ALA, DHA and EPA.
While ALA is found in flaxseeds, walnuts, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds and certain dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale, DHA and EPA can be found in cold-water fatty fish like halibut, mackerel, herring, salmon and tuna, and vegan micro-algae sources from which they are believed to enter the food system.

4. Vitamin D
It should not surprise you that vitamin D that we get from the sun is included in the list of nutrients that stabilize mental health.
More and more studies are disclosing how important vitamin D is in maintaining optimal physical and mental health.
Although its exact mechanism of action is still not known, it has been found that deficiency of this vitamin is connected to numerous inflammatory conditions, including arthritis, type II diabetes and even cardiovascular disease.
Although the best source of vitamin D is sunlight, people in areas that don’t receive a lot of sunlight can gain this vitamin through foods like canned fish and eggs. For vegans, high vitamin D mushrooms is an option although they offer vitamin D2, the plant-based version of vitamin D, which is not absorbed quite well.

So, you can see that there are a lot of options to make your lifestyle healthy. Include them in your diet and stay safe from corona and other diseases.