Chiropody and Podiatry – What is the Difference?

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podiatrist & chiropodistMany people are slightly confused about whether there is any difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist and if yes, what it is. Here is some interesting information.


Chiropody involves evaluation and management of disorders of foot and lower limb. There are many injuries, disorders and local symptoms of systemic diseases covered under this.

Foot problems, injuries and infections not only restrict your movements, but also can be detrimental for your hips, knees and other parts of the body.

A chiropodist is a professional who gives primary care by practicing podiatric medicine specializing in evaluation, management and prevention of disorders and diseases of the foot. A chiropodist is an essential member of the professional healthcare team and is an expert in identifying the needs of patients and managing both acute and chronic conditions that affect lower limb and foot functions. S/He is a primary care provider and can do clinical practice individually.

Jobs of a Chiropodist

The job of a chiropodist is to maintain and enhance the movement of patient, to alleviate pain, offer health education and eventually enhance quality of life of patients. A chiropodist can treat a variety of patients and can be specialized in following fields:

  • Sport injuries
  • Diabetic care
  • Geriatrics
  • Pediatrics
  • Wound care
  • Podiatric soft tissue surgery
  • Rheumatology
  • Biomechanical and gait analysis


A licensed Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) can practice podiatric medicine and surgery. Their education comprise of a professional doctoral degree after a four-year course followed by a 2 or 3 years of residency. This training is taken after a 4-year undergraduate college degree. There is much similarity in the training received by podiatrists in their first year of podiatric medical school with that of other physicians, but there is more emphasis on ankle, foot and lower extremity disorders.

Jacqueline EdelmanJacqueline Edelman at is practicing as a State Registered Chiropodist as well as Podiatrist (SRCh) for more than 30 years. She is also a member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (MChS). She has a Diploma in Podiatric Medicine (DPodM) and is registered with the Health Professions Councils (HPC). She specializes in biomechanics, a technique of rectifying walking defects and postural disorders. She is also experienced in practicing low-level laser treatment.

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