How to Fix Pectus Excavatum with Working Out?
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Pectus Excavatum or sunken chest can give rise to physical as well as mental issues. Commonly known as ‘funnel chest’, Pectus Excavatum show symptoms like sunken ribs, flared ribs, a poor posture, a potbelly, a rounded spine and rounded shoulders.
In severe condition, Pectus Excavatum can even cause lung problems, difficulty in breathing and chest pain. Even if the condition is not serious, most people with Pectus Excavatum become unhappy with their looks and self-conscious.
Workout is Effective for Pectus Excavatum
Workout can be tough for people with Pectus Excavatum; hence it may sound strange to hear that workout can improve the condition. However, Pectus Excavatum workout can stretch and strengthen core muscles and that can help with rib flare resulted from Pectus Excavatum in some people.
Workout can be an option to surgery for Pectus Excavatum. It’s non-invasive and natural.
Here are benefits of workout for people with Pectus Excavatum:
- Development of upper body area
- Addition of muscle mass to the pectorals and spine muscles
- Improvement in posture
- Expansion of lung capacity
Types of Pectus Excavatum Workouts
Although you’re aiming at rectifying your Pectus Excavatum, it’s important not to focus only on pectoral muscles. This is because various types of workouts can ensure the overall development all your important muscles. Pectus Excavatum workouts can be done even at home and you don’t need a gym membership. Here are some of them.
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Push-ups are helpful in stretching chest muscles as well as strengthening the upper pectoral muscles properly. They are also effective in helping blood flow towards the back muscles and thereby improving symptoms in individuals with a curved spine or round back.
For best results, you should try to do 2 sets of 10 push-ups per day. Once you become comfortable with these, you can increase up to 3 to 6 sets.
Pull-ups work the pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi (a flat muscle on the back) and biceps. They are especially effective to improve posture and upper back strength. You’ll need a pull up bar; but they are quite easy to perform.
You should begin with 5 pull-ups in the morning as well as night. Once you become comfortable with these, try to do 5 sets of as many pull-ups as possible, 4 times a week.
Dumbbell Pullover
Dumbbell pullover is helpful in strengthening pectoral muscles as well as latissimus dorsi. This workout helps expand the rib cage and push the sternum out.
You should try to do 4 sets of dumbbell pullover 3 times a week. Use rather light weights to start with until you feel strong enough to workout with the heavy ones.
Plus you can perform flat bench press, incline dumbbell press and vacuum bell workouts. But it’s important to perform these workouts consistently without becoming discouraged and you’ll get rid of the condition. All the best!