Fibroids and Pregnancy

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Fibroids and PregnancyWhilst the idea of having fibroids growing in your body might be terrifying to some, it’s important to remember that fibroids are non-cancerous. The fact that fibroids can be tiny in size or the size of a football makes it incredibly hard to manage the actual condition in itself entirely, and it’s important to know what kind of fibroids you are dealing with. one specific kind of fibroids are known as uterine fibroids and they are the ones that can, potentially, affect your chances of getting pregnant at some stage down the line so it’s vital to get them checked.

The actual causes of uterine fibroids is not particularly known at the moment – it’s something that needs far more research before a genuine answer can be provided in terms of the damage they can cause. However, one thing that is known is that your oestrogen hormones play a particularly primary part in the development of these fibroids.

They will increase in size slowly as time goes on and, when your body starts to produce more oestrogen, you can find that the speed they actually grow at will become particularly accelerated – this is why keeping levels low is very important here.

The problem is that with fibroids and pregnancy is that there is a chance that fibroids can lessen your chances of being able to conceive. Whilst the number of women with fibroids who suffer in conception is less than 3%, it’s still vital to get yourself checked out as the situation can be quite serious without the right checks and additions being made to give yourself the best chances of conception.

Typically, the most common kind of fibroid to affect your chances of conception are known as submucosal fibroids. They typically will alter the uterus in some capacity and will affect your embryo implantation in some capacity.

This will happen with IVF or natural conception – this can be caused by anything from a reduced blood flow to the lining of your uterus. This makes it less hospitable for an egg to start. If you are having trouble having a child and know that you suffer from fibroids – or suspect you do – then it’s absolutely imperative that you get yourself checked out by a medical professional. They can give you all the information that you need to really understand how the condition works and how you can manage around it effectively.

There are some surgical treatments that exist for fibroids if you are unable to get pregnant because of the – this is typically even more successful if it used on submucosal fibroids as they are the easiest to remove for many patients. Whatever kind of fibroids you are dealing with, it makes a lot of sense to get to the doctors and have fibroids checked out for the most effective treatment and solutions possible.

Whatever the issue is, it makes sense to get yourself checked out as quickly as possible with a medical professional who can help create a treatment plan

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