Innovative Portable Cooling System for the Medicines of Diabetics and Others

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frigidoA diabetic person faces many challenges and the major amongst them is looking alright on the face of it and having to tell people that they suffer from diabetes. Every time they have to instruct people to give them sugarless foods and have to take care of their medicines like the insulin cartridges and others by instructing people to keep them in the refrigerator, which indeed sucks. If they have not reached anyone’s home or hotel, they are under a stress that whether such pricey medicines will be spoiled due to heat. But not anymore, because an innovative portable refrigerating tool is available wherein diabetics can carry their important medicines, keeping them cool all the while, wherever they go, in traveling or at their destinations, without having to bear the burden of disturbing other people. This tool is Frigido!

What is Frigido?

Frigido is a cooling system for medicines. It has been designed especially for diabetics and other patients who need to keep their medicines cool and at hand every time. Thus, they can carry these medicines anywhere they go and keep with them and administer them anytime as per their dosage schedule. It consists of thermos and an insulated bag.

Custom Bag and Thermos

Custom Bag and Thermos


The thermos of Frigido is highly efficient and has a conveniently twistable cap because of which medicines are easily accessible. The thermos is smaller than a water bottle in size and therefore is easy to carry. It is available in various pleasing colors. The custom insulated bag available with Frigido system holds thermos and your supplies. Frigido can conveniently store medicines like insulin cartridges, pens and other injected medications.

Convenient Cap

Convenient Cap


LCD Thermometer: The Frigido thermos has a built in LCD thermometer with alarm for indicating if the temperature falls out of the desired range.

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Bryant Nuno – the creator of Frigido – grew with a diabetic brother and always saw him struggling with his disease. Naturally he has a strong desire to help his brother. This desire gave rise to Frigido.


The main objective is to bring the Frigido medicine cooling system from prototype to production, for which they have created – an Indiegogo project. The system is still patent-pending and has almost reached the stage of being able to accommodate most medications. Therefore the final design of Frigido may be different than the current one. The present model contains a durable thermos equipped with ice gel packs to cool and store medications safely for twelve hours. The temperature can be dropped to 10-20 degrees for extra six hours of cooling using a CO2 cartridge.

Pleasing Colors

Pleasing Colors


The aim of Bryan Nuno is to grow awareness about the hurdles coming in way of patients who need to carry medicines that are required to keep cool. The aim of this project is to help increase the mobility of patients who face difficulties in enjoying activities like outings, camping, sports etc because of the difficulty in carrying their medicines.

Frigido - Smaller than a Water Bottle

Frigido – Smaller than a Water Bottle

With the Indiegogo campaign Bryan aims at producing the final prototype, start mass production of the device and secure patent of the product. He appeals you to help him in his noble task and I am sure that you will react positively to his appeal, because we all care for our moms, dads and any other near and dear ones who are suffering from diabetes!

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