5 Fantastic Alternative Remedies for Hair Growth

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alternative remedies for hair growthHair loss is a common problem nowadays, that too more commonly occurring in the young generation. Reasons can be many from faulty eating habits to pollution. Hair loss indeed stresses up anyone when it occurs and the affected person starts doing whatever s/he can. But turning to our ancestors helps a lot in this matter. Here are five effective natural remedies for hair growth.

1. Onion

Onion juice has been proven to be very effective in hair growth because onion is packed with sulfur which helps increase production of collagen and thereby hair growth. Finely chop some onions and put them in the juicer to take out juice. Apply the juice to the hair roots and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with a mild shampoo and dry hair. Repeat this twice in a week.

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2. Garlic

Garlic also is rich with sulfur and so, is helpful in hair growth. Take some garlic cloves and crush them. Add coconut oil and boil for some minutes. After its temperature comes down to warm, apply it in hair roots and gently massage the scalp. Leave for half an hour and then rinse. This too should be done twice in a week.

Garlic for hair growth

3. Coconut

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Coconut is known to benefit hair health. It is not only a hair growth booster, but also a conditioner. The essential fats, proteins and minerals in it, lessen breakage of hair. Coconut is a rich source of iron and potassium. You can use either coconut oil or milk to get benefited. Apply either of them to the scalp as well as strands of hair in order to get its conditioning benefits. Rinse after an hour. Coconut milk can be left overnight. Wash hair the next day.

Coconut-for hair growth

4. Hibiscus

Hibiscus has been proven to help in hair growth from ancient times. It also stops premature graying of hair, dandruff and checks hair fall. Crush some hibiscus flowers and leaves and add coconut or sesame oil to form a paste. Apply the paste to the scalp and let it stay for some hours. Rinse with a mild shampoo and cold water.

Hibiscus for hair growth

5. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

Amla has been honored by ancient Indian scholars as a rejuvenator. Amla is tremendously helpful in hair growth, stopping premature graying and checks dandruff. It is rich in vitamin C and many other antioxidants. You can use either amla powder or juice for your hair fall recipe. Add lemon juice to it and apply on the scalp. Leave till it dries. Rinse with warm water.

Amla for hair growth

Use these hair fall remedies and you will get good results soon. Don’t think much on your hair fall and don’t get stressed out. Stress too is a major cause of hair fall. Stay calm and try to get close to Nature, leaving unnatural lifestyle. You will see improvement within a short time.

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