Detox is Essential – But it is Easy too!
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In today’s age of pollutants and free radicals, it has become necessary more than ever to keep yourself free from toxins. But it is also a good thing given to us by the same today’s age that there are lots of methods available like detox pads, detox foods, detox diet programs etc, which we come to know quickly because of the modern technology. Here is some information about some detox foods, which if you include in your regular diet, they will support your body’s natural detoxifying system and keep you healthy. However, you should essentially consult an expert or your doctor before implementing any detox diet or method. Let us see some detox foods now.
Needless to say, that onions are potent detoxifier, because their potential has been quite established by now. They are full of sulfur-containing amino acids, which do the detoxifying job. Raw onions are more potent than cooked ones. You can add them to salad and add taste to your diet, along with health.
Beetroot too has quite well-established recognition in health field. Eat it raw by adding them to salad. They brim with betacyanin, a potent fighter of cancer. Moreover, other healthy ingredients like zinc, magnesium and calcium too are present in beet.
Sesame seeds are utterly tasty, along with being health-giving. You can enjoy them in a yummy tahini sauce, noodles or any tasty but nutritious food or eat them as they are. They safeguard your liver from the bad effects of alcohol and other toxic substances.
Goji Berry
The nutrient-rich goji berries can replace the boring raisins in your diet. They are full of vitamin C and beta-carotene. Vitamin C is known for its waste-removal potency, while beta-carotene enhances liver function, and in turn, supports body’s own detoxifying system.
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You won’t find any difficulty in eating pineapple, obviously because they are so yummy. But at the same time they have a great ability to throw away toxins from your body. You can eat chunks of this sweet and scented tropical fruit or can drink its juice.
Apples are known since ages for keeping the doctor away. But you may be surprised to know that they are also potent detoxifiers. Along with nutrients, they brim with pectin, which is a soluble form of fiber, and so they clear off wastes easily from the body.
This extremely virtuous spice adds great taste to your culinary preparations along with offering great health. It is full of calcium, iron and manganese which enhances your body’s ability to metabolize fatty acids and sugar.
You can add some seaweed to your smoothie and your body will be cleansed of hazardous toxins like cadmium, lead and strontium. Moreover, seaweed is loaded with iodine, a natural metabolism-enhancer.
Brazil Nuts
You got surprised to read that name? But it is true. Generally we think that health-giving foods are all tasteless. But the yummy Brazil nuts are not. They are full of selenium which is known to flush out mercury, a potent toxin, from our body.
These creamy delights from Mexico have great potency to flush off body toxins. They contain plenty of soluble as well as insoluble fiber, by the virtue of which they do the job efficiently.