Human growth hormone: an intro to a layman
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Human growth follows a pattern and there is some sort of benchmark associates human growth to age. The growth of a fourteen year old boy is quite distinct from the growth of a twenty one year old young man. This process of growth happens due to the secretion of the growth hormones from the pituitary gland, a small pea like structure at the base of the brain. This hormone triggers and fuels childhood growth and is responsible for maintaining tissues and organs throughout the life time. However after a certain age the secretion of growth hormone reduces because of which the growth of human body decreases. While people tend towards old age the decreased bone mass and bone density, reduced muscle mass is also experienced due to the fall in production of the growth hormone.
This natural slowdown is absolutely acceptable if the growth rate and quantum of growth has been normal. But in some case people does not experience the normal growth due to certain medical conditions or some natural issues with the body. To supplement that growth there is injectable hgh for sale in the market. These are the under the skin injections administered on patients to boost the growth process and improvements have also been established clinically. The HGH drug is also given to patients who are having rapid fall in body mass such as patients suffering from AIDS. However the increase in mass remotely translates to strength.
Some also believe that the HGH has a lot to do in diminishing the effects of ageing. Of course the ageing signs such as reduced muscle mass, fat accumulation can be undone with the use of HGH. However the use of HGH hormone to replace the natural anti ageing methods like healthy diet, proper exercise regime and yoga etc. must not be encouraged.