Incredible Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil
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It’s now clear from various studies and research that coconut oil is one of the best and healthiest edible oils in the world. However, you may remember the days when the situation was not so, and may not be aware of the latest development. It was not before many years when coconut oil was badly reputed for containing high amounts of saturated fats. Later it was found that the fats in coconut oil are different than most other fats known so far and is actually beneficial for human health. If you want to have the tremendous benefits that coconut oil can give you, you should read on the history of coconut oil’s bad reputation and which health benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil were found later.
Why was Coconut Oil Considered Bad for Health?
Coconut oil was considered unhealthy mainly because it was considered to contain saturated fats which were bad because they increased blood cholesterol and contribute to heart disease.
The scenario became worse for coconut oil when a study was conducted 40 years ago which verified this conclusion. HOWEVER, no one considered a very important fact and just blamed the coconut oil! The fact was that the study was conducted with hydrogenated coconut. The malady caused by hydrogenated oils is well supported by many studies.
But the other observation that coconut and coconut oil have been used since years in Asia and the Pacific on a large scale as a food and a medication, and people in these areas are among the healthiest in the world. And this gave rise to a different angle to look at all oils, when it was found that there are good cholesterol and good saturated fats, and that coconut oil contain the good saturated fats! As Dr. Mary Enig says, the research going on for more than four decades on coconut oil has cleared that coconut oil is actually beneficial.
Here are prominent benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil:
- Stimulation of Thyroid: It has been proven by research that coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids that stimulates thyroid function and offers you more energy.
- Reduction of Bad Cholesterol: Coconut oil has high amount of lauric acid that lowers bad cholesterol and protects heart by increasing good cholesterol.
- Prevention of Candida: A good amount of caprylic acid in coconut oil is renowned for killing surplus Candida by attacking harmful bacteria.
- Helps Lose Weight: And there is good news for weight conscious people! You can enjoy coconut and coconut oil because it actually reduces your weight. This is because unlike other fats, the medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil don’t circulate in our blood. They go directly to the liver and are transformed into energy. Thus the fat in coconut oil increases metabolism and is not stored in the body unlike other fats.
- Keeps Blood Sugar in Check: Coconut oil improves the insulin secretion in blood and thus controls blood sugar.
- Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease: Residents of Pacific Island were studied about their regular total caloric intake and it was observed that it included 30% to 60% from completely saturated coconut oil. And the Pacific Islanders are known to have a negligible rate of cardiovascular disease.
Virgin coconut oil is also famous for other health benefits like reducing the chances of gastrointestinal diseases, supporting immunity, increasing skin health, nourishing brain and speeding up recovery after a major sickness.
Visit, a leading online seller of Virgin Coconut Oil, where you can know more benefits of coconut oil for health and buy it at an affordable price, safe and discreet.