Observe Migraine Symptoms to Decide Relief Measures!

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When there are big giants like cancers, AIDS, and tumors, to cause a stir in the field of medical world, you will be surprised to know that the nastiest problem most patients in a physician’s clinic have is a simple headache, like migraine! Well, in that case, the disease cannot be described with a word, like ‘simple’, but as, it is not fatal, it is looked at more lightly; but in fact, this simple-looking disease needs utmost attention, because it brings about a lot of stress to the patient, reduces the quality of life, and kills several valuable man-hours! Therefore, it is extremely important to find out migraine headache relief measures on priority. But the job is not that easy, as it seems, because there are a lot of types of the disease, and therefore, there may be a variety in the relief measures. An individual and his or her physician can observe carefully the migraine symptoms the patient is going through and decide what relief measures should be taken.

The commonest migraine symptom is a hurting pain on one side of patient’s head. Before, during and after migraine attacks, other symptoms are also seen and they differ from patient to patient.Depressed or very happy mood, feeling very sleepy, thirsty or hungry or craving for certain foods are symptoms seen before the migraine attack. 20% of patients get warning symptoms called an aura, meaning spots, flashing lights, or wavy lines before eyes or numbness or pricking sensation in face, arms or hands.

Migraine symptoms during the attack are severe pain on one side of head, pain behind one eye, pain worsening with daily activities, or with noise, light or smells, and nausea and/or vomiting. Less commonly, symptoms like speech problems, temporary weakness on one side of the body or tingling in arms, shoulders and face, occur.

And symptoms after the attack are muscle aches or tiredness.

Medicines for migraine headache relief are of two types, viz. abortive (to stop migraine) and preventive (to prevent migraine). Abortive medicines include acetaminophen, NSAIDs like aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen, Triptans, Ergotamine derivatives, or Midrin, while preventive medicines include beta-blockers, like propranolol, antidepressants, like amitriptyline, anticonvulsants, like topiramate, Botulinum toxin, like Botox and Calcium-channel blockers, like verapamil. It takes some time to decide the kind of combination of these medicines which will work for your type of migraine. It is strongly recommended to take these medicines under strict medical supervision.

Many patients get relief with an extensive range of alternative and complementary therapies.

Biofeedback and relaxation is a commonly and effectively used migraine headache relief measure, because the commonest cause of most migraines and headaches is chronic stress. Other nontraditional remedies include acupuncture, herbal treatment, massage and diets, which affect with varying levels of migraine relief.

Several studies show that there is a difference between blood flow in the brain at the time of migraine attacks and in the pain-free periods. This has been found out by the biofeedback technique in which small sensors, called electrodes, attached to the skin, measure various effects, like muscle tension, brain waves, skin temperatures, and other signs. The patient can know about these, in form of electrical waves, numbers or sounds on a screen. So, with biofeedback training, the patient can learn to control the blood flow to the brain to manage migraine.

Stress managing lifestyle changes, like getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet, in combination with antidepressant medication, brings about much of migraine headache relief.

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