Balancing Your Hormones Naturally

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hormonal balanceWe talk a lot about weight, weight loss, calories, fats, cholesterol and such things when health is talked about. We also talk about our various aching organs. But we hardly talk about hormones. Hormones, therefore, have remained an ambiguous, and therefore, mysterious topic for laypeople, and so, nobody wants to go deep in it. But whether vague or clear, it’s an essential part of your health and should be considered when you think upon health. As you plan various diets and other programs for weight loss, various aching organs and other health issues, you should also pay some attention to whether anything can be done for your hormones, like natural hormone therapy, or other such healthy activity.

Hormones – What Are They?

We have all studied it in school, but haven’t paid much attention afterwards, probably because the topic itself is really vague, and much study has yet to be done on it. However, there is no harm if we brush up some basics. Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands and get into your bloodstream to reach tissues and bring about certain effects. Our various emotions and reactions depend on them, like fear, excitement, sweating, libido, and even hunger and thirst. Specialty of endocrine glands is they don’t have ducts to carry their secretions, therefore they are also called ductless glands.

Is there anything we can do to keep our hormonal structure healthy? Yes, there is! Here are some tips.

Keep Away from Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fats

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats are manmade fats and are found in vegetable oils, and our body is just not made for consuming them. Saturated and monounsaturated fats make 97% of our body, while polyunsaturated fats make only 3%. Of these 3%, half is omega-3. Vegetable oils have taken place of many saturated fats in our diets and consist of high amounts of polyunsaturated fats. When we consume them, our body has no other alternative than incorporating them into building our body (fats make our cells’ outer lining along with proteins) and hormone production. However, these polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and undergo oxidization quickly, causing inflammation and cell mutations.

In short, if you want your hormonal structure and overall body healthy, stop consuming oils like peanut oil, soybean oil, canola oil, margarine and other chemically processed fats. Instead, choose coconut oil, olive oil, real butter and animal fats (lard, tallow). Also eat plenty of fish high in omega-3.

Reduce Caffeine Intake

Lots of caffeine can devastate our endocrine system, particularly if other hormone stressors are involved too, like toxins, stress, imbalance of beneficial fats and even pregnancy.

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Reduce intake of coffee and if possible, replace it with herbal teas.

Keep Toxins Away

Toxins we use in day-to-day life like plastics, cleaning chemicals, pesticides and even mattresses have hormone-disrupting properties that imitate hormones and stop body from creating real hormones.

To avoid these toxins, cook in non-coated metal pans or glass containers and stop storing or heating foods in plastic. Consume organic meat and produce as far as possible and don’t use chemical cleaners and pesticides.

Take Adequate Sleep

This is quite a no-brainer; it’s just enough to say that if you are not getting adequate sleep, you will suffer from hormonal imbalance.

Workout Lightly

If you are already suffering from hormonal imbalance, exercising intensely can in fact worsen the problem. Actually sleep is more important for you in this period. So, emphasize on relaxing exercises like yoga, walking and swimming, and avoid cardio, exhaustive running, etc.

The Golden Goodness of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can actually work wonders for your hormonal health. It offers the required building blocks for production of hormones, can help in losing weight, reducing inflammation and has antimicrobial properties. If you really want to get help for your hormones, make it a point to consume ¼ cup of coconut oil every day. You can blend it in coffee or tea.

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