Electronic Cigarettes – A Healthier Alternative

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Everyone would agree that smoking is bad for you. And we’d also agree that smoking is bad for everyone else too and also for the environment. But still, many of us do it, blatantly ignoring the warning labels on the cigarette cartons. So it should be a good news to smokers and non-smokers alike when a smoke free smoking device like the electronic cigarette is unleashed to the world. And what a great news indeed!

For something that looks and feels like a cigarette, it is a miracle that it is not one. The main difference between the e-cigs and the normal cigarettes is that the e-cigs do not need any tobacco for the smoker to ‘smoke’ it. When you smoke from an e-cigarette, you will inhale a vapor that is a combination of propylene glycol, nicotine and a distinctive scent that is added to the e-cigarette. All these will give the smokers their nicotine fix without any of the cancerous dangers of a normal cigarette. It is indeed a healthier choice for smokers!

Smokers will also get to choose the flavours of their choice for the cigarettes. Depending on where they get their supply from, they have plenty of choices to choose from. Combined with the nicotine in the e-cigarettes, this will eventually prove to be a hit with smokers who are looking forward to quitting the bad habit of smoking normal cigarettes. The smokers will still get to enjoy the feeling of having a stick in between their lips when they smoke, as opposed to only have a nicotine patch in an effort to wean them off the habit of smoking.

It is easy to see the advantages and the fun factor of the e-cigarettes. You get to keep smoking without worrying about the dangers of doing it and you can even pick different flavours for you to smoke with. If you are a smoker or know of any smokers who would love to break off from this bad habit, then you should probably try the electronic cigarettes to help you with your quest.

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