Some Misconceptions About Oral Health
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Sometimes you may feel guilty for your inappropriate oral hygiene that could result in damaged gums and teeth. Below mentioned are some of the poor oral health habits that you might have to change for your good.
Covering your Brush with protective caps
You must let your tooth brush air dry after use. Some people like to enclose them in caps but this will keep the moisture inside the brush and bacteria will grow and multiply because of it. You can use ultraviolet cleaning equipments if you have them but make sure that your brush is dry and clean after brushing.
You brush too quickly and hard
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You should always take time to brush your teeth correctly even if you are in hurry. Strong brush strokes scrape the surface of your teeth and it may leave canals where stains and plaque easily deposit. You should always brush gently, make circular movements. Brushing with your brush leaned towards your gum-line at 45 degrees angle is the recommended method of brushing. Take proper time to brush, brushing quickly is not recommended for your oral health. Make sure that you do not bend the bristles of toothbrush because it indicates that you are putting lot of pressure, which is not good.
Skimping on Floss
Flossing is very important after eating, many people tend to skimp on this process. You should use an inch of floss for each tooth, massage the floss against the teeth surface until you feel resistance near gum line, you should always floss in sawing motions.
Depending on Fluoride mouthwashes and tartar control tooth paste
Though these products are good for your teeth you should never be encouraged to be lazy about your oral health. Just don’t think that these products will take care of all your oral health needs. They undoubtedly help you in maintaining the teeth and gums but actual oral health can be attained only with proper brushing and regular flossing.
Eating lot of Sweets and Sticky Food
It is not easy to wash sticky foods away, and when food is stored for long time in your mouth, it will end up with erosion and cavities in your teeth. Starch and sugary foods feed the bacteria in your mouth and acid byproduct gets generated and the main reason for dental decay is an acidic atmosphere. So cut down on such foods as much as possible.