Halal Meat – A Healthy and Tasty Choice

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chicken L'oud Des EurasieMany times you might have seen boards advertising Halal meat on meat stores and restaurants and might have been wondering what halal meat is, if you are a non-Muslim. And even if you are a Muslim, you may not know the exact meaning of the term and why it is considered to be healthy. Here is the explanation.

What is Halal?

Halal is a method of slaughtering animals in such a way that the animals have to suffer minimum pain and the meat thus obtained has minimum harmful microbes developed in it after the animals die. This is a method of slaughtering permitted by Quran and you have to cut the animal’s throat swiftly using a sharp blade so that the animal undergoes minimum pain. Also, during this process, you should pray to Allah to bless the animal and express thanks for the food. The knife used in this method should be kept extremely sharp to ensure swift killing of animals and ensure least pain to them. No other live animal should see the process of slaughtering another animal. After slaughtering animal in this way, you have to drain all the blood to ensure that no toxins and harmful microbes spread through it in the animal’s dead body.

Bois Boudran Turbot with Black Sticky Rice and Mango Salad L'oud Des Eurasie

Animals to be Halal-killed

Traditionally, animals to be halal-killed are raised in a different way and taken better care of than animals to be killed in other ways or not to be killed. They are treated well to express gratitude.

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Spread of Halal Meat

Awareness about the health benefits of halal meat is spreading fast and Western restaurants, like L’oud Des Eurasie Halal Restaurant London also serve halal meat, and not just the Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European restaurants.

Why is Halal Meat Healthy?

Because the blood in the animal’s all blood vessels is completely drained out, toxins and microbes are totally eliminated from the meat. Halal meat tastes better than non-halal meat. It’s more tender and stays fresh for longer because of elimination of decomposing microbes. Therefore halal meat is healthy.

L’oud Des Eurasie is a family-friendly London restaurant that serves healthy and innovative Middle Eastern food that embraces the cuisines and aromas of Persia, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Lebanon and beyond, and is entwined seasonal produce and flavors of the West featuring an array of French techniques. Take a look at some of their mouthwatering preparations in this article and many more on their website.

Roast Lamb with grilled Pumpkin Taboulleh Pomegranate Rice and Spicy Lamb Gravy L'oud Des Eurasie

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