MyNotes Medical App – An App that will be Tremendously Helpful to You and Your Loved Ones
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This is the era of information. Whatever information we get and have, we can spread it everywhere to make people aware of various things. There are more convenient media for that. There are phones, TVs, and most importantly there is the internet. Today internet is in everyone’s hands through mobile phones. So, why not make everyone aware of health? With this splendid thought, a new app – MyNotes-Medical app – will soon be released which will allow common people as well as doctors, nurses and care-givers record and share various aspects of health. Isn’t the idea fantastic? But it needs your help and you are requested to participate in the MyNotes-Medical Crowdfunding Campaign!
What is MyNotes Medical?
If you are a non-medical person, you might have come across the difficulty when your doctor was trying to explain something and you didn’t understand a word! Sometimes the doctors are interested in knowing if you understood what they are saying and sometimes not. If you didn’t understand what s/he said about your or your loved ones’ diagnosis, treatment, tests or anything, you probably felt like you were moving in the dark. After seeing your doctor so busy, you cannot insist s/he explain it again and again! What can you do in such a case? Do you find yourself helpless? Don’t worry, you are not alone!
There are countless patients who don’t understand properly what their doctors have said; they don’t understand or remember enough to follow their prescribed treatment properly; eventually doctors or nurses may make mistakes in treatment and because of all the mess, NHS has to spend (actually waste) billions of pounds every year.
Taking all this into consideration, a solution has been developed by patients, for patients in form of the MyNotes-Medical app.
With the help of other patients and medical professionals the MyNotes Medical app will be made to improve online communication between patients, care-givers, GPs and the NHS.
Because of MyNotes Medical app patients can better understand their symptoms, diagnosis and instructions, and the caregivers too can give a more insightful care to their loved ones.
Due to improved sharing of information and communication will create a positive impact on diagnosis and treatment of patients which will in turn give better outcomes.
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Who can Use MyNotes-Medical App?
The app is for everyone because anyone can fall ill at anytime and then with the help of MyNotes-Medical app they can understand their disease more appropriately. Those who are taking care of their ill loved ones can use the app for more correct methods of care-giving.
Not only can the app be used for getting information, but also for sharing the valuable information you have. You can share text, photos and videos about various medical aspects like surgeries, new researches and studies, new findings and more. This will be of a lot of help to others. You can record whole conversations with your doctor and listen to it afterwards to understand it. You can also keep a neat record of many such conversations which will be useful to you in the future. You can make use of the app in a number of ways.
How Can You Help?
You can help developing the MyNotes-Medical app in various ways, like spreading the word on your social media pages, asking your family and friends to support the MyNotes team on Crowdfunder, follow them on Twitter and Facebook, telling your experiences on their blog and also by telling your GP and consultants about this program and requesting their support.
So, visit the Crowdfunding campaign – the app will benefit you and your loved ones in tremendous ways!